Konferenzraum OMPI Genf ausgestattet mit Stuhlführungen von Trendelkamp

Architectural products
for buildings and auditoriums

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Providing movement to Architecture!

Chairtrack systems for conference halls and auditoriums.  Convertible roof constructions for innovative build concepts or swimming pools. Trendelkamp is an ideal partner to help realize your projects that go beyond standard constructions.

Tap into our experienced based engineering expertise.  As a family business we are customer oriented, innovative, and a provider of solutions going back four generations. Excellence in design engineering and machine construction, we break barriers to achieve unique and lasting results.

  • 3D visualization of the project
  • Reliable technology
  • Intensive consulting options

Your seat
in parliament

  • The functionality and quality of the seating experience are central elements in the overall planning of an auditorium.  Additionally, Chairtracks greatly enhance the aesthetic spatial image and appeal.
  • Trendelkamp Chairtrack systems ensure ergonomic seating comfort in a fixed, yet moveable installation.  Chairtracks automatically return precisely to their starting position when the user vacates the seat.
  • Optimum safety since aisles are free as the chairs always return back to the workstation.
Convertible roof constructions by Trendelkamp Technology.
Convertible roof constructions by Trendelkamp Technology.

Convertible Roof Constructions

Design freedom
for architects

  • Plan bold roof constructions that turn closed rooms into vast, open-air spaces.
  • Open up new possibilities with us.  A convertible roof provides new dimensions and options via movable roof constructions.
  • The drive and control technology developed by Trendelkamp is already being used in many innovative and ambitious architectural projects in Germany and around the world.